First, a wolf father and mother are chosen. The remaining players become
the mother's children. After the election is over, the wolf moves away
from the father, mother and children. Later, the mother gives her
children a color name without telling the wolf father. Then the wolf,
who has gone away, returns to the father, mother and children. He knocks
on the mother's door, imaginatively, and the following conversations
take place between them:
Daddy Wolf - Tık tık
Mom – Who is she?
Wolf Dad - Wolf Dad.
Mom - What do you want?
Wolf Dad - Egg.
– What color? Which player's color is the color of the wolf father,
that player starts to run away. If the fleeing player comes to his place
without being caught, the wolf gets rid of the father. If the wolf is
caught by the father, the wolf takes over the father's duty. So the game
goes on.
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